Core Funds
Diversified portfolios of select Australian and Global companies designed to sit as a core position in equity portfolios and aims to deliver consistent incremental outperformance over market cycles.
Style agnostic investing for a core position in equity portfolios.
Style agnostic
Invest in a wide variety of stocks through different market cycles as we aim to own companies at the right time in their earnings cycle.
Long only diversified portfolios of high quality stocks selected based on their quantitative score and fundamental analysis by the investment team.
Actively managed
Aim to deliver outperformance from stock selection over time with minimal sector biases.
Our Core Funds
91ÖÆƬ³§ Australian
Share Fund
A well-diversified portfolio of 35-55 Australian-listed companies that aims to deliver consistent incremental outperformance with limited volatility over various market cycles.
91ÖÆƬ³§ Concentrated 

Australian Share Fund
A well-diversified, high conviction concentrated portfolio of 20-35 best ideas listed on the ASX. Suitable for investors aiming for a higher return and prepared to take additional volatility.
91ÖÆƬ³§ Global Equity Fund – Active ETF (ASX: XALG)
A high conviction, diversified portfolio of 25-40 global companies that seeks to deliver consistent strong returns across various market cycles. Provides access to global opportunities and diversification not readily available to individual Australian investors.
Why Core Funds?

91ÖÆƬ³§â€™s Core Funds aim to deliver consistent incremental outperformance through various market cycles. We invest in quality, undervalued companies with underestimated earnings expectations. Our rigorous and agile investment process, using unique combination of qualitative and quantitative research, ensures we are investing in companies at the right point in their earnings cycle, regardless of broader market conditions or style.
Key features include:
- Style agnostic: Invest in a wide variety of stocks, including growth, value, cyclical or defensive companies.
- Quality: Long only portfolios of high-quality, large cap listed companies.
- Concentrated and diversified: Actively managed, high conviction portfolios that aim to deliver outperformance from stock selection with minimal sector biases.
- ESG Integration: We seek to consider all material ESG risks and opportunities for each company included in the Fund, to maximise returns and minimise ESG risks.